Berde Kaway Agriventures Corporation: Leading in sustainable energy by transforming agricultural waste into biomass fuel. Supplying nature to industry.
Our Pilot Pellet Facility in Sariaya, Quezon pPovince, has been operational since 2024 with a production capacity of 600 MT / month
Our First Main Pellet Facility will be co-located at our Sariaya site next to our pilot facility with expected commissioning 2025. And a second full sized plant planned in Laguna in 2026
Additional pellet facilities added against forecast demand and client discussions, expected to be one additional per year for at least 5 years
Each main facility will be able to produce 3,000 MT of pellets / month, and maybe larger if the surrounding farming area will support it.
Investment cost is $750,000 - $2,000,000 per facility, and will consist of a shredder / chopper, grinder, dryer to reduce moisture, 2 x pellet mill machines, pellet cooler and truck loading.
Initial pellets will be derived from coconut husks, but the objective is to add other materials, such as: napier grass, rice husk & straw, corn cobs & stems, and to carry out R&D trials on other waste products.